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Jackcess Encrypt 4.0

What now?

While Jackcess Encrypt still only requires Java 8+, as of the 4.0.0 release it now includes an Automatic-Module-Name of com.healthmarketscience.jackcess.crypt in its manifest. This allows it to safely be used in the module path for Java 9+ projects. These changes correspond with the changes in Jackess 4.x.

As a consequence of supporting Java 9+ modules, the classes in this project needed to be moved to a new package in order to avoid the "split module" problem. The primary classes in this project are now in the com.healthmarketscience.jackcess.crypt package. This is a breaking change with respect to the 3.x release series.

Internally, Jackcess Encrypt historically used JAXB for some xml parsing. Since JAXB is no longer included with the Java runtime in later releases, this code was rewritten to only utilize core Java XML parsing libraries. Consequently, JAXB is no longer used by Jackcess Encrypt.

Jackcess Compatibility

  • Jackcess 4.x -> Jackcess Encrypt 4.y
  • Jackcess 3.x -> Jackcess Encrypt 3.y
  • Jackcess 2.x -> Jackcess Encrypt 2.y
  • Jackcess 1.x -> Jackcess Encrypt 1.y